Base URL:



Verifies that given login credentials belong to a valid, unlocked, WinSMS Account


GET /auth.asp



Name Required Type Description
user true text WinSMS Account login name
password true text WinSMS Account password





Single name/value pair



Possible values

Login Description
OK The login credentials belong to a valid WinSMS Account
FAIL Invalid login credentials supplied
ACCOUNTLOCKED The WinSMS Account associated with the login credentials is locked, and cannot be used

Credit Balance


Returns the current SMS credit balance of a WinSMS Account


GET /credits.asp



Name Required Type Description
user true text WinSMS Account login name
password true text WinSMS Account password





Single name/value pair



Possible values

Credits Description
(integer) The current SMS credit balance of the WinSMS Account (rounded to nearest integer)
FAIL Invalid login credentials supplied

Send SMS Batch


Submits an SMS message for delivery to one or more recipient mobile numbers


GET /batchmessage.asp



Name Required Type Description
user true text WinSMS Account login name
password true text WinSMS Account password
message true text SMS message to send
numbers true text List of recipient mobile numbers - semicolon separated
scheduled optional text Date/time to send the message using the format CCYYMMDDHHmm, and calculated as GMT



  • All parameters must be URL Encoded

  • The message parameter must have a GSM 7-bit encoded length of no more than 918 characters.

  • To include a carriage return in the message parameter use the URL encoded value for a line feed character: %0A

  • All numbers in the numbers parameter must be specified in international format – e164 format without the "+" sign

  • Restrict the numbers parameter to a maximum of 100 numbers

  • Scheduling a message for delivery prior to the current date/time, or supplying an invalidly formatted date/time, will result in the message being sent immediately.

Response - Valid Request Submitted


Ampersand (&) separated name/value pairs. 1 pair for each mobile number submitted.
Mobile Number = Value


27825550101=374&27835550505=375&27845550909=INSUFFICIENT CREDITS

Possible values

Mobile Number Description
(number) Message accepted - The unique WinSMS API Message ID assigned to that message
INSUFFICIENT CREDITS The user has insufficient credits to send the message
ACCOUNTLOCKED The specified account is locked
TRIALNOT2SELF Trial Account Restriction – Message not to own number. More Info
TOOLONG The GSM 7-bit encoded message length exceeded 918 characters
BADDEST An invalid mobile number was supplied, or the recipient has been blacklisted from receiving messages
OPTEDOUT The recipient has opted out from receiving any further messages from the user
WASPADNC [For South African destinations only] The number is on the WASPA Do Not Contact List and your WinSMS account is not set to bypass the WASPA DNC list

Response - Invalid Request Submitted


Single string followed by an Ampersand (&)
A single name/value pair




Error="No message given"

Possible values

Error Description
FAIL The login credentials supplied were not valid
No message given The message parameter was not present or contained a blank string
No numbers supplied The numbers parameter was not present or contained a blank string

Batch Status


Gets the delivery status of one or more messages submitted to WinSMS.

Instead of polling for delivery status notifications, try using WinSMS Event Webhooks for a more elegant approach.


GET /requestbatch.asp



Name Required Type Description
user true text WinSMS Account login name
password true text WinSMS Account password
messageid true text List of WinSMS API Message IDs that were returned by the Send SMS Batch call - semicolon separated



  • All parameters must be URL Encoded

  • Message statuses can be retrieved for messages submitted up to 90 days previously

  • Restrict the messageid parameter to a maximum of 100 semi-colon separated IDs

  • The messageid parameter must be terminated with a semi-colon

Response - Valid Request Submitted


Ampersand (&) separated name/value pairs. 1 pair for each ID submitted.
ID = Status String



Possible values

Each ID submitted will return a Status String value, which consists of 4 semi-colon separated facets. These facets are:

Position Description Example
1 Status - Text description of the status of the message. See Appendix A for possible values DELIVERED
2 Status date calculated as GMT and formatted as: CCYY/MM/DD 2018/10/31
3 Status time calculated as GMT and formatted as HH:mm:ss 21:42:00
4 Status Code - Integer value representing the send status. It is used predominantly to determine the SENDINGFAILED reason. See Appendix B for possible values 100


  • When a NOTFOUND Status is returned the Status String will not contain the additional 3 facets, as they are not available.

Response - Invalid Request Submitted


Single string followed by an Ampersand (&)



Possible values

Error Description
FAIL The login credentials supplied were not valid

Delete Scheduled


Deletes one or more previously submitted scheduled message/s from the WinSMS queue.
Associated credits are refunded to the user account


GET /deletescheduled.asp



Name Required Type Description
user true text WinSMS Account login name
password true text WinSMS Account password
messageid true text List of WinSMS API Message IDs for deletion - semicolon separated. These IDs were returned by the Send SMS Batch call



  • All parameters must be URL Encoded

  • Restrict the messageid parameter to a maximum of 100 semi-colon separated IDs

Response - Valid Request Submitted


Ampersand (&) separated name/value pairs. 1 pair for each ID submitted.
ID = Delete Status



Possible values

ID Description
DELETED The scheduled message was successfully deleted and the associated credits refunded to the user account
NOTFOUND Possible reasons:
- An incorrect MessageID was sent in the request
- The scheduled SMS has already been deleted
SENT The scheduled message has already been sent to the recipient, and can not be deleted

Response - Invalid Request Submitted


Single string followed by an Ampersand (&)



Possible values

Error Description
FAIL The login credentials supplied were not valid

Get Replies


Gets a list of all replies to SMS messages sent through WinSMS

Instead of polling for replies, try using WinSMS Event Webhooks for a more elegant approach.


GET /httpgetreplies.asp



Name Required Type Description
user true text WinSMS Account login name
password true text WinSMS Account password
excludesc optional boolean Set to true to exclude messages sent to any Short Codes associated with your account



  • All parameters must be URL Encoded

  • No additional parameters are required. All previously unreturned reply messages received in the last 90 days will be returned in the response

  • If you have a WinSMS Short Code, you should use the WinSMS Short Code API to retrieve messages to your Short Code. You should also add the optional parameter &excludesc=true to the Get Replies request to ensure that Short Code messages are excluded from the response.

Response - Valid Request Submitted


Ampersand (&) separated Reply Strings.


CLI=27825550101;DateReceived=201811141103;Message=Send one from Diagon Alley;SentMessageID=377&CLI=27835550505;DateReceived=201811141116;Message=The post office, Harry! About two hundred owls, all sitting on shelves;SentMessageID=378&

Possible values

Each individual reply is represented by a Reply String value, which consists of 4 semi-colon separated name/value pairs.

Name Value Example
CLI The mobile number of the respondent. It is returned in international format – e164 format without the "+" sign 27825550101
DateReceived The date and time that the reply was received, calculated as GMT and formatted as CCYYMMDDHHmm 201811141103
Message The text of the reply message Send one from Diagon Alley
SentMessageID The unique WinSMS API Message ID assigned to the most recent message sent to the mobile number that responded 377


  • A Reply String will be returned once for each previously unreturned reply SMS received by WinSMS in the past 90 days.

  • Once a reply has been returned in a response it will never be returned again in subsequent calls to the endpoint

Response - Invalid Request Submitted


Single string followed by an Ampersand (&)



Possible values

Error Description
FAIL The login credentials supplied were not valid

Get Short/Long Code Messages


Only available to users with a WinSMS Short/Long Code.
Gets a list of all SMS messages sent to the Short/Long Code (Short Code).


GET /httpgetscmessages.asp



Name Required Type Description
user true text WinSMS Account login name
password true text WinSMS Account password



  • All parameters must be URL Encoded

  • No additional parameters are required. All previously unreturned Short Code messages received in the last 90 days will be returned in the response

  • If you have multiple Short Codes, messages for all Short Codes will be returned

Response - Valid Request Submitted


Ampersand (&) separated Message Strings.


SC=12345;CLI=27825550101;DateReceived=201811141103;Message=Please enroll me at Hogwarts&SC=12345;CLI=27835550505;DateReceived=201811141116;Message=Add me&

Possible values

Each individual message is represented by a Message String value, which consists of 4 semi-colon separated name/value pairs.

Name Value Example
SC The Short Code that received the SMS message 12345
CLI The mobile number of the sender. It is returned in international format – e164 format without the "+" sign 27825550101
DateReceived The date and time that the message was received, calculated as GMT and formatted as CCYYMMDDHHmm 201811141103
Message The text of the SMS message Please enroll me at Hogwarts


  • A Message String will be returned once for each previously unreturned SMS message received by Short Codes in the past 90 days.

  • Once a message has been returned in a response it will never be returned again in subsequent calls to the endpoint

Response - Invalid Request Submitted


Single string followed by an Ampersand (&)



Possible values

Error Description
FAIL The login credentials supplied were not valid

Get Opt-Out List


Gets a list of all opt-out SMS messages received by the account, as well as all manually added opt-out numbers.

See Appendix C for opt-out trigger words and rules


GET /listoptouts.asp



Name Required Type Description
user true text WinSMS Account login name
password true text WinSMS Account password



  • All parameters must be URL Encoded

  • This endpoint does not accept any additional filters or use paging. All opt-out SMS messages are returned with every call to the endpoint.

Response - Valid Request Submitted


Ampersand (&) separated Message Strings.


CLI=27825550101;DateReceived=201811061229;Message=Stop;SentMessageID=376&CLI=27835550505;DateReceived=201811061218;Message=* MANUALLY ADDED BY USER *;SentMessageID=&

Possible values

Each individual opt-out message, and manual opt-out entry, is represented by a Message String value, which consists of 4 semi-colon separated name/value pairs.

Name Value Example
CLI The mobile number that sent the opt-out message. It is returned in international format – e164 format without the "+" sign 27825550101
DateReceived The date and time that the opt-out message was received, calculated as GMT and formatted as CCYYMMDDHHmm 201811141103
Message The text of the opt-out SMS message stop
SentMessageID The unique WinSMS API Message ID assigned to the most recent message sent to the mobile number that opted out 376


  • See Appendix C for opt-out trigger words and rules

Response - Invalid Request Submitted


Single string followed by an Ampersand (&)



Possible values

Error Description
FAIL The login credentials supplied were not valid

Transfer Credits


Transfers credits between a WinSMS Main Account and its Sub Accounts.


GET /creditstransfer.asp



Name Required Type Description
user true text WinSMS Main Account login name
password true text WinSMS Main Account password
fromAccountId true number The numerical Id of the account from which credits will be subtracted. This can be the Main Account or a Sub Account
toAccountId true number The numerical Id of the account to which credits will be added. This can be the Main Account or a Sub Account
transferQuantity true number The amount of credits to transfer. Only positive integer values are valid



  • All parameters must be URL Encoded

  • The Main Account Id can be found on the Home tab in the WinSMS Client Zone. Do not include the W prefix

  • The Sub Account Ids are listed on the Sub Accounts tab in the WinSMS Client Zone. Do not include the W prefix



A single name/value pair



Possible values

Transfer Description
Success Credits were successfully transferred from the specified from Account to the specified to Account
Fail The transfer failed as a result of a server error
invalidUser The login credentials supplied were not valid
invalidFromAccount The from Account is not associated with the Main Account credentials
invalidToAccount The to Account is not associated with the Main Account credentials
lockedFromAccount The from Account is locked and credit transfers are not allowed
lockedToAccount The to Account is locked and credit transfers are not allowed
sameAccount The from Account specified is the same as the to Account specified
invalidQuantity An invalid transferQuantity parameter was supplied. This parameter must be a valid positive integer value.
insufficientCredits The from Account does not have sufficient credits to do the transfer



Configure event Webhooks to enable real-time notifications of new Replies and Delivery Reports.
Read the docs

Appendix A - SMS Delivery Status Values

Value Description
DELIVERED The message was successfully delivered to the recipient
SENT The message has been sent to the recipient, but no delivery report has been received. Additional information can be determined from the StatusCode node
NOTFOUND Possible reasons:
- An incorrect MessageID was sent in the request
- The message is still in the queue waiting to be sent
- The message was sent more than 90 days previously
SENDINGFAILED The message was not delivered to the recipient. Additional information can be determined from the StatusCode node

Appendix B - SMS Delivery Status Codes

Value Description
-3 Invalid username or password in requesting document
-2 Message not found
-1 Message in queue
100 Sent; no delivery report received
101 Undelivered: expired in transit
102 Undelivered: message was cancelled before being delivered
103 Message could not be delivered
105 Not yet delivered, but accepted for delivery
106 Sent; delivery status not known
107 Undelivered: message was rejected
111 Message could not be sent
201 WinSMS account has insufficient credits
202 WinSMS account is locked
211 Message is too long to send by SMS
212 Recipient has opted out of receiving messages
213 Sending or delivery failed for an unknown reason
214 Number is blacklisted

Appendix C - Opt-Out Rules and Trigger Words

WinSMS opt-outs are WASPA compliant ( [For South African destinations only].

An opt-out is registered when an account messages a recipient through the WinSMS gateway, using any WinSMS product or service, and the recipient replies with one of the trigger words (not case sensitive):

WinSMS automatically sends a message from the original WinSMS account, confirming the opt-out request, and blocks that WinSMS account from sending any further messages to the opted-out number.

Opt-out numbers can also be added manually from the WinSMS Client Zone. This functionality can be used to prevent an account from sending a message to a particular number that has not specifically responded with a trigger word.

Manually added opt-out numbers do not send an opt-out confirmation SMS message to the opted-out number.

Trigger Words

Entire message is “Stop”
Entire message is “End”
Entire message is “Cancel”
Entire message is “Unsubscribe”
Entire message is “Quit”
Message starts with “Stop send”
Message starts with “Opt out”
Message starts with “Opt*out” where ‘*’ represents any character